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June 24, 2014

Sunrise at Elliott Key (2013)

Oil on Canvas 24" x 18"
If you want to look at the various steps leading to this painting...

Candle inspired by Gerhard Richter

Oil on canvas - 18" x 24"

I am fascinated by Gerhard Richter; I had to try (somewhat naively) to approach one of his many wonderful paintings. He has painted several "candles" - so masterfully. I did try my best, only to realize I was still miles away. I have only used two colors: Cadmium Yellow Pale and Cobalt Blue (and a tad of Transparent Oxyde Red).

June 23, 2014

Yellow Flowers in a Jar

Oil on Canvas 16" x 20"

Yellow Flowers at the Window

Oil on Canvas 20" x 20"

You can look at some of the steps leading to this painting.

and more Lemons ...

Oil on Board 10" x 8"

Oil on Board 10" x 8"

Watercolor - Abstract

Two Figs

Oil on Board 5" x 3"

Abstract - Variation 04

Oil on Canvas - 36" x 48"


Oil on Canvas 16" x 20"

Abstract - 01

Oil on Canvas - 40" x 30"

Sunset at Dinner Key Marina

Oil on Canvas - 20" x 16"
Again we have added the original photograph and the step-by-step pictures.

Watercolors Series 01

The Gunpowder River - near Baltimore


Sunrise near Enkhuizen (The Netherlands)

Still Life with Lemons on a Tournai Plate

Oil on Board 10" x 8"

Again another still life based on a series of pictures ...

June 22, 2014

Still Life with Pears

Oil on Canvas - 10" x 8"

These pears inspired me. They are quite a stretch from the so called inspiration. The original photograph follows.

Still Life with Peaches

Oil on Canvas 10" x 8"

I thought I would have a hard with the peaches. Wrong I was. I had to paint the silver cup 12 (twelve) times...too bright, too white, too small, too big ... too too too ...

June 21, 2014

Jane at Quiberon.

Jane at Quibéron - Oil on Canvas - 20" x 16"

We spent a few days in Brittany. Jane was fascinated by the beauty of the sea. The picture I took (see below) turned later into the above oil painting. We have added more pictures to show you the original model photograph and a few of the steps leading to the final painting.